Military Vehicle Antenna (Vehicular antennas)
使用 Antenna Point,瞄準您的電視天線很容易!應用程序中的地圖將顯示發射塔以及從您家到每個發射塔的距離。 Antenna Point 將識別您的位置並提供 35 英里、50 英里和 70 英里範圍模式內的電視天線覆蓋區域。該應用程序將幫助您找到瞄準室內、閣樓或室外電視天線的最佳方向。在您的智能手機或平板電腦上下載 Antenna Point 應用程序,閱讀分步說明,然後開始將您的智能手機或平板電腦對準最大的塔群。找到所有塔的最佳方向後,將天線安裝在電視塔視野最佳的區域。將天線連接到電視並使用遙控器掃描電視的頻道。塔在地圖上以黑色標記顯示,您可以點擊每個塔以查看主要網絡呼號,如 ABC、NBC、CBS、FOX、PBS、CW、ION、MeTV 等等。該應用程序包含一個頻道列表,因此您可以預覽您所在地區可用的電視台。
Antennas for Military vehicles or Vehicular antennas for heavy-duty use, such as in the forest or in remote locations on armored vehicles, and low-profile antennas for civil vehicles. Communication and EW applications are examples of applications.
Wideband mobile VHF antennas with frequency ranges of 30 to 88 MHz or 30 to 108 MHz are designed primarily for use in heavy-duty mobile applications.
Typically, the antenna is made up of three major parts: the antenna base, the lower part, and the upper part. Some antennas have two sections, while others have three. The long-lasting antenna base with GPS (optional).
The stainless steel spring absorbs shocks and vibrations while also protecting the antenna from collisions.
Both radiating pieces are comprised of composite materials, which allow for exceptional strength and roughness even in the harshest environments. 提示:在您的初始頻道掃描後,檢查您正在接收的電視台數量。如果您沒有接收到所有可用頻道,請將天線移到另一個位置並重新掃描電視以查找頻道,直到您接收到最多的頻道。您可能需要移動天線幾次,直到找到最佳電視信號。 [注意:某些與天線性能無關的變量可能會干擾信號接收,例如地形、高樓和樹木——嘗試尋找最通暢的電視塔視野以獲得最佳電視信號]。
如果您對天線或安裝有任何疑問,我們每週 7 天都可以為您提供幫助。請撥打 877-825-5572 聯繫我們,或通過天線直銷網站或 在線與我們聊天。
Antennas for Military vehicles or Vehicular antennas for heavy-duty use, such as in the forest or in remote locations on armored vehicles, and low-profile antennas for civil vehicles. Communication and EW applications are examples of applications.
Wideband mobile VHF antennas with frequency ranges of 30 to 88 MHz or 30 to 108 MHz are designed primarily for use in heavy-duty mobile applications.
Typically, the antenna is made up of three major parts: the antenna base, the lower part, and the upper part. Some antennas have two sections, while others have three. The long-lasting antenna base with GPS (optional).
The stainless steel spring absorbs shocks and vibrations while also protecting the antenna from collisions.
Both radiating pieces are comprised of composite materials, which allow for exceptional strength and roughness even in the harshest environments. 提示:在您的初始頻道掃描後,檢查您正在接收的電視台數量。如果您沒有接收到所有可用頻道,請將天線移到另一個位置並重新掃描電視以查找頻道,直到您接收到最多的頻道。您可能需要移動天線幾次,直到找到最佳電視信號。 [注意:某些與天線性能無關的變量可能會干擾信號接收,例如地形、高樓和樹木——嘗試尋找最通暢的電視塔視野以獲得最佳電視信號]。
如果您對天線或安裝有任何疑問,我們每週 7 天都可以為您提供幫助。請撥打 877-825-5572 聯繫我們,或通過天線直銷網站或 在線與我們聊天。
Fei Teng Wireless Technology Co. Ltd