Military Vehicle Antenna (Vehicular antennas)
小S(徐熙娣)的二女兒Lily( 許韶恩)近來拍攝雜誌並接受專訪,中間排行的小孩,據統計往往也較為獨立創意,具有藝術天分,在上高中之前,乖巧的她表示,曾經度過一段叛逆期。Antennas for Military vehicles or Vehicular antennas for heavy-duty use, such as in the forest or in remote locations on armored vehicles, and low-profile antennas for civil vehicles. Communication and EW applications are examples of applications.
Wideband mobile VHF antennas with frequency ranges of 30 to 88 MHz or 30 to 108 MHz are designed primarily for use in heavy-duty mobile applications.
Typically, the antenna is made up of three major parts: the antenna base, the lower part, and the upper part. Some antennas have two sections, while others have three. The long-lasting antenna base with GPS (optional).
The stainless steel spring absorbs shocks and vibrations while also protecting the antenna from collisions.
Both radiating pieces are comprised of composite materials, which allow for exceptional strength and roughness even in the harshest environments. 大概是國一的時候,她回憶,不知道從哪裡來的任性,大人叫她往東,偏偏她就要往西,故意唱反調,媽媽叮嚀她早點睡覺,她就故意晚睡;經常和同學在外面玩耍到很晚才回家,也不認真讀書,放任課業不管,「原以為這樣的行為很酷很帥,直到有次段考,被自己的爛成績嚇到,才趕快調整作息,重新回到軌道上。」
Fei Teng Wireless Technology Co. Ltd